Join us at The Tuftest Class In Town for a 3 hour all inclusive experience where you will learn how to make
your own rug.
All material and equipment will be supplied, All we ask
is that you show you up
ready to enjoy your self.

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- What image can we make into a rug?
When you purchase your ticket we will send you 16 stock images to choose from ranging from simpler images like flowers or a Georgia peach or more complicated rugs like Simpson characters or nike dunks.
We also love to have people do their own custom images. Your favorite sports team or anime character
can become great rugs.
- How much is the class?
The class cost $75 per person. That includes all your materials as well as your finished rug
- When can we pick our rugs up?
Your rugs can be picked up the following day.
We are closed Mon - Tues but rug picks up available Wed - Sun 2:30pm - 7:30pm
We also can mail rugs back if you are visiting Atl and want to save space in your luggage.
Over those 12 hours the rugs will be glued and backed as well as
shaven and cleaned up for your pick up the following day.